
Hybrid Cloud

Combine private cloud and public cloud services to create a flexible and agile cloud computing environment.


Use a hybrid cloud to reduce costs, scale and accelerate your business


Use a hybrid cloud to reduce costs, scale and accelerate your business

A hybrid cloud is a cloud computing strategy that combines private cloud, public cloud and even an on-premises data center, creating a flexible, scalable and high-performance infrastructure.

The great benefit of hybrid cloud is that it quickly adapts to different business demands, making it easier to migrate workloads and access data and applications.



Key points and use cases


Key points and use cases

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Benefits of Hybrid Cloud for companies

High Availability

Build a scalable and fast infrastructure


By adopting a hybrid cloud and having uni.cloud as one of your partners, you create a scalable, flexible and agile infrastructure. In practice, your company can use the combination of public cloud, private cloud and on-premises resources in the best possible way to meet your business’s demands.

Protect your data and stay compliant with privacy laws

Protect your most critical data and workloads


A hybrid cloud enables your business to easily manage and ensure more protection for sensitive data and critical workloads. You can, for example, store customers’ personal and financial data in your private cloud and use the public cloud to run low-impact applications.

Protect your data and stay compliant with privacy laws
Reduce costs and pay only for what you use

Reduce costs and simplify IT operations


One of the great benefits of hybrid cloud is to optimize operational and capital expenses, reducing maintenance and new equipment costs. In addition, a hybrid cloud streamlines and simplifies IT operations, improving operational efficiency and allowing your team to focus on other important tasks.


Ensure redundancy and be prepared for interruptions and downtime


With a hybrid cloud, it’s possible to prevent service interruptions caused by cyber attacks, failures and human error. Your company can, for example, maintain a redundant application on two clouds, such as uni.cloud and AWS. If the application on AWS stops working, the replicated copy on uni.cloud takes over.


Easy deployment and VIP technical support


uni.cloud’s solutions are simple to deploy and manage. Our technical support is top-notch, which means that we are at your company’s disposal whenever you need it.

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